Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 9

Random Word Association

Random association is a creative method to prodece new ideas. A randomly chosen word which has no direct relation with the problem is use to brainstorm new idea to solve the problem. It helps to get rid of stereotype solution because we need to think using different route. Anyway, the random word shall not appear direct in the solution. The word is used only to evoke solution but not to be a solution.

The method is as follow:

After identify the problem, a word is selected randomly without any logic. Analyse this word, extract its characteristic, princilpes, or features, a mind map can be used to illustrate. Think of an association with one of the characteristic of the random word. Relate it to the practical aspect of how to solve the problem.

During this class, we are ask to practice this method.

Random association exercise:


To create "scary image or object" that will instill fear among people througout the ages.

Random word: Kitten

This is the Mind map that I prepared:

Association 1: Fur of kitten can cause allergic.

In practice: Feeling of sick of pain can cause fear, but an agent is needed (like fur).

Create the image of the place as full of flower/plant that once touch will cause stingy and itchy feeling.

Here is the related sketch:

Association 2: Kitten use its claws to catch prey; prey scared.

In practice: Claws can cause feeling of fear due to its sharpness and the sound made when claws scratch on flat surface makes people irritated.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 7

Juxtaposition - Anology

During juxtaposition, there is transference of meaning from something familiar to something less familiar.

Analogy is to use something we familiar to explain something that is rather complicated, or to make strange becomes familiar. Analogy appears in two forms, namely metaphor and similes. Metaphor is to link two things that seem different at first by some similarity using imaginative ways. Similes is to link two things using their likelihood.
There are two categories of analogy. Logical analogies use similarities in the design, structure or function to connect back to the subjects. Affective analogies are the emotional resemblance, the intrinsic value of the object are used as a comparision.
During this week class, some exercises were given:

We are asked to choose three numbers with two digits and write them on paper. The numbers that I choosen are 18, 57, 93.

Then, two lists of words were given as

By refering to the lists, we are asked to write the combination of words according to the number that we have choosen. The combination of words of mine are:


For the first exercise, we are to write a sentence that links the two words (according to the original order). The sentences of mine are:

1. A purple flower grows on a white wood.
2. Fire located besides a tree.
3. A leaf flies when wind blows.

For second exercise, we have to sketch to illustrate the sentence.

For third exercise, we combined the two words to form a new word. Then, we sketched to illustrate the new words.

The result of all the exercises are shown in the following image.

Next, a passage is created by us to describe a word using each of the following images.


"Love is like chili, it makes my tongue hot, makes my stomach cramps, makes my breath short, but it makes my heart flies."


"Men think that they are predators. Underneath the fact is, they are preys!"


"Life is, you want to escape out of the cage you are living, while those 'outside' the cage wants to rush into the cage you are living. Because everyone believe that, what other possess is better."


"When you can wake up in the early of the morning and not feeling the time is chasing after you, you are encompassed by happiness."


"Pain makes your serenity and rational dripping away from your soul."


"Love has no boundary, love has no discrimination, love has no reason. I love you because you are who you are."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 6


Juxtaposition means arranging two subjects, ideas, characters, phrases, or words side-by-side to create comparison, metaphor, suspense.

Juxtapostion is used widely in literature, film, photography, and arts to create contrast, opposing emotions, abstract concepts, or characters traits.

Random juxtapostion is a technique used to stimulate creativity when two random objects moving in parallel. A problem to be solved will be one object, and a randomly chosen object/concept will be the other object. A completely random stimulus is juxtaposed with the problem encountered. The resultant association between the two highlights the side track.

This is a example photo that show juxtaposition:

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week 5

Associated Mind Map

Associated mind map help us to generate random word and show the links between words that seemingly have no connection. It help us to think out of the box, therefore, novel and creative idea can be produced. Our brain is powerful, most of us do not make full use of it. According to research, logical people usually use left brain to think while creative people use right brain to think. Anyway, a real outstanding people will use both side of brain to think and relate logic and creativity together to produce great idea.

Exercise of this week:

Our lecturer show us a associated mind map with the word "mortar and pestle" at the center, a lot of ohter words are written to associte to this word. We are ask to choose three words out of the mind map. We have to think of a function of "mortar and pestle" to related to these three words. The use of the "mortar and pestle" can be any and made as creative as possible. The words that I chosen are "Game", "Hungry", and "Married". We wrote a description and sketched the newly created function of the "mortar and pestle" in the class. Throught this exercise, wer are trained to think out of stereotype.

For word "Game": In year 20010, people use the mortal ans pestle as game. Two mortals will be sticked together to form a sphere shape. Many pestles are aligned to form a runway. The mortal is throw and roll on the runay. If no pestle is knocked off from it's location. The player win.

For word "Hungry": In year 20010, people use the mortal and pestle to depres the desire of hunger. People fie the mortal using a belt around their belly to press on the sotmach. Then they put the pestle inside their mouth as if they are eating something.

For word "Married": In year 20010. The mortal and pestle are used in a couple's wedding ceremony as the sign of the union of two people. They put a mortar on top of 3 pestles. Three is due to 3 is the minimum number of pestle that can support a thing without falling. Then both of them put their hands on top of the mortal. If they can control the arrangement without falling, it means they can work together to build a good family.

The sketch is displayed here:

Quote of the week:

"The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven"

by John Milton, Paradise Lost.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Week 4

Creativity is a process of divergent thinking followed bu convergent thinking.

Convergent thinking means the ability to give the correct answer to standard question that do not reqire significant creativity, for instance in most tasks in school and standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence.

Divergent thinking is a though process or method used to generate creative idea by exploring many possible solutions. Many idea are generated in a random, unorganized fashion.

A problem solving situation should start with divergent thinking so that many possible solution are generated. To finalize, convergent thinking must be used to narrow down and filter the inappropriate ideas, so that a correct and precise solution can be reached.

Mind mapping, is a tool for idea generation and brainstorming. It enhance both sides of the human brain. A creative Mind Map is able to stimulate and create interest to the individual and also to the viewer.

A Logical Mind Map should:
  • have a dominat subject in the center of the page.
  • have main categories of the subject, put them in different colors.
  • have drawings or images to make it more intersting and personal.
  • be shaped like the roots of a tree, branching out from a center.
  • be neat and easily legible.

This is a logical mind map about me:

When I was doing the mind map, at first, I have no idea what are the main categories that I should put. By looking at several other similar logical mind maps, I decided the categories. When come to putting the item into the categories "character", I was quite confuse, seems like I dont't really know myself, may be I should add one more categories "what people understand about my character". When I was filling in the categories "like", wow, there are so many things pop up onto my mind, looks like not enough space to write them all, :-D.

Week 3

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention

Novelty is the quality of being new.

Innovation is a process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay.

Inventor; are those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas.

Thought of the week:
Creativity is the essence of of Novelty, Innovation and Invention. To produce something novel, innovative or inventive, creativity must not absent.

A greate invention such as the aeroplane change human history, it shorten the distance between countries. Cultural, education, goods, etc can be exchanged between countries.

An innovative product make human life more convenient and comfort. Innovative idea improve on the existing product and create new functionality of the product. It change community in a most direct way.

A novel idea bring new insight to an individual or society. It can evoke great movement such as the pixelsim art movement. Or, it can create new excitement merely for an individual.

This is a pixelist painting by Karl Lilje, "Pixelist Portrait of Che Guevarra", Oil on Canvas, 1997.


A company design some novelty scuba hood. The hoods are cool and fun that resemble Nemo, Tigger, Devil and Batman. Can you imagine a "Batman" chasing shark underwater, that will be super fun!source:

This is a creative advertisement. Imagine yourself to be the person standing there... how do you feel?!


This is an innovative portable chair with an insect repellent embedded in the fabric. It can be used by itself or as a sleeping bag cover. It is a convenient yet affordable product.

source: http//

Week 2

Definition of Creativity:
Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions, produce works of art, solve problems in new ways, or develop and idea based on an original, novel or unconventional approach.

Thought of the week:
From my point of view, it is something that can make people yell "Ahh Haahh!"

How to train a person to be creative?
Look him/her inside an empth room with a coconut, without any tool and food. After one day, if the coconut is open, he/she is creative. This is the creativity for survival purpose.

Quote of the week:

"Creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves" by Carl Jung (1875-1961)


Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 1

What is creativity? Is creativity inherited by someone since born? Can creativity be cultivated or trained or taught? Well, of course creativity can be trained, else, what for are we studying this course? :-p

Yes, for some minor gifted people, creativity is an inherent characteristic. What about the majority one, do they have hope? Yes! To certain extend, creativity can be cultivated by practising, observing and breaking the rule!

Can a tree be blue in color?
No?! Then you are not creative.
Yes?! You are potential! People skin can be blue as well, isn't it we have "Avatar"!

So, let's be creative now.... the journey started from this point...