Random association is a creative method to prodece new ideas. A randomly chosen word which has no direct relation with the problem is use to brainstorm new idea to solve the problem. It helps to get rid of stereotype solution because we need to think using different route. Anyway, the random word shall not appear direct in the solution. The word is used only to evoke solution but not to be a solution.
The method is as follow:
After identify the problem, a word is selected randomly without any logic. Analyse this word, extract its characteristic, princilpes, or features, a mind map can be used to illustrate. Think of an association with one of the characteristic of the random word. Relate it to the practical aspect of how to solve the problem.
During this class, we are ask to practice this method.
Random association exercise:
To create "scary image or object" that will instill fear among people througout the ages.
Random word: Kitten
This is the Mind map that I prepared:
Association 1: Fur of kitten can cause allergic.
In practice: Feeling of sick of pain can cause fear, but an agent is needed (like fur).
Create the image of the place as full of flower/plant that once touch will cause stingy and itchy feeling.
Here is the related sketch: